Thursday, 9 June 2011

A Silver Start

A Silver Start anagrams to Its Traversal. Traversal means the act of passing across, over or through. To pass along or go across something. Something that crosses, obstructs, or thwarts; obstacle. To ski across a hill or slope at a diagonal. 

Traverse: to extend across or over – a bridge traverses a river.

This first post of this Silver Zone blog is just that. A Silver Start which asks to allow a crossing into the realms of expression via the written word – together with imagery.

The intention is to express groundwork workings out based on Emin understandings. Simply come-to things stemming from the want to give flow to an internal need to open up and give growth to what could be if a dedication and devotional inner life is allowed to have a go at being at the forefront. 

This is not to say that what is written here is in any way what the Emin itself would state or  declare. The writings are purely from one whose life has been touched by the Emin and has been inspired by that convergence to try, try, try.

A Silver Start is the first step of the try into giving an outlet to so many things that have been brewing within, with a view to find the ways and means of representing something that is indefinable, in some sort of coherent manner.  

Not necessarily for another life-traveller, although that would be a benefit and a bonus, but coherency for and from self surely allows an ease to connecting the dots of internal understanding. It brings order to disorder and allows more to then follow and drop in.

So, this, a first attempt at walking the path with a steadier, sturdier work plan.

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