Tuesday, 1 November 2011

In the big, in the small...

What happens in big, happens in small. As above, so below. This post only really makes sense if you believe that humans, as a whole, not individuals, have gotten out of control. The big things. Poverty, disease, war, inequality, injustices, child abuse, famine. And on a more local level – although local to all localities – gun crime, knife crime, well ANY crime actually, political correctness gone mad, binge drinking, domestic abuse etc etc. 

Humanity seems to have lost its way somehow. So, from that (and actually more, but won’t go into that now as it is the more esoteric areas, such as our planets own aura being filthy from the not so high radiation that humans are pumping out) came these thoughts about humans and the overpopulation situation. And because there is the concept that what happens in big, also happens in small. 

 And so was thinking about what happens when we cut ourselves with a knife (by mistake of course!) What actually happens when we cut ourselves? Is the healing process where a damaged area needs to have cells multiplying, quickly and in quantity to heal the cut area?

Apparently this is not the case. What does happen is actually is this: Cells repair and replace. Regenerate. They don’t OVER multiply to make up for any lost cells, they simply replace like with like, so that if you killed off 100 cells, 100 cells would replace them. Now, think of that and look at the human…3 million humans have now grown to 7 billion. So, it seems that we are not in a healing process at all. Further questions needed to be asked (to the world wide web), specifically what would cause cells to multiply quickly and quantitatively. And of course it came up immediately with Cancer. Which was not unexpected. So, no surprise there. 

Check this out – by the way, our own cells are utterly awesome. Huge respect for my body: The characteristics of normal cells Normal body cells have a number of important characteristics. They can

 • Reproduce themselves exactly
• Stop reproducing at the right time
• Stick together in the right place
 • Self destruct if they are damaged
 • Become specialised or 'mature'

How cancer cells are different Cancer cells are different to normal cells in several ways. They don't die if they move to another part of the body and 

• Cancer cells don't stop reproducing
• Cancer cells don't obey signals from other cells (or from the main signaller)
• Cancer cells don't stick together (are not connected) • Cancer cells don't specialise, but stay immature (What is my specialisation?)
• Cancer cells create and develop their own blood supply 

The bits in brackets in the above lists are my own words.

Of course, when a foetus is growing from conception a similar kind of process is also happening, i.e. a very rapid multiplying of cells. However, the difference is, is that the cells know exactly what they are doing, grow exactly to what is required, stop multiplying at the exact right time and are cohesive. They also become specialised which I take to mean that they become fingernail cells or brain cells or whatever. Skilled and talented at their particular expertise.

On reading these things about cells, a recognition of human behaviour became apparent in all of this. We, as humans (remember, this is MY BELIEFS ONLY, I am not saying this is how it is – although for me this IS how it is, but I understand that others don’t believe what I believe) have, on the whole, started to behave like cancerous cells. We don’t stop reproducing – overpopulation, we don’t obey signals (and in my mind that signal is God and Creations signal, i.e. we have become disconnected), we don’t specialise – we don’t necessarily,  as individual human beings, follow what our individual human purpose is, let alone our overall human purpose. And finally we humans have now created our own ‘blood supply’. 

This blood supply is what I see as our reminder of what we are supposed to be doing. I.e. what our purpose on this planet and born as humans is. So, my beliefs are that we are here for a God and Creation reason (religion – not necessarily an organised one, but having a religious pathway of some sort), we are supposed to be fulfilling a job for them somehow and that reason would be the blood supply – a flow from one to the other. Venal and arterial. To and fro. A two-way process.

But we have lost our connections and so have had to manufacture our own blood supply – and our new reasons and purposes to live, the things that make life bearable and worth living, our own manufactured ‘religion’, things such as making money, the financial world, things such as politics, football, careers, entertainment, drugs, etc etc. So, have we become cancerous?

Next questions for me to ponder will be what are the cures for cancer? How far along is the cancer that humans on this planet have? What cure, if any, is there for humanity?  I guess that will be for another post….

Monday, 4 July 2011

What IS belief?

Culturally, belief has a bad press being unfortunately mostly associated with the blind belief required of religion, with an underlying admonishment of no questioning. 

But there is clearly more to belief than this. It is a quality, for starters, so we immediately realise there must be more to it than meets the eye. So far we can see that there is a bridge of some sort from not knowing to knowing (A BRIDGE anagrams to BE A GRID.) But that’s not the whole of it; there must a REAL belief, what it is to itself, not just the 'I wish it were so' type. It seems that belief is a tangible thread already cast out like a fishing line; it touches the reality of what you believe and you then reel in the knowledge of it – its intelligence. 

When you start on a true development path, or a real re-alignment journey - for the reason of self-discovery which is true human purpose seeking - then you begin to learn how to cast out that thread and feel the tug of it catching on a truth - or even falling away from an untruth or a non-thing. So, if truths were fish and you cast your line, reel it in and nothing is there, then you need to accept that and try again until it caught on a fish of truth. Now, these fish of truth are stronger than you and so THEY reel YOU in; i.e. you travel up the line towards them, you don’t bring them down the line to you. 

 So, you must hone your skill at being a belief-fisherman. You can't catch truth-fish without patience, quietness, alertness and all those instincts that a skilled fisherman has. So now we can see that you need other qualities to help you with this one; and that belief as a quality is a very special one indeed.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

In the Beginning - there was the Need

Everything has a vibration, a frequency, an energy. Including humans. Everything a human does draws on an energy or a frequency. What tends to happen is that humans don’t necessarily separate out each energy as being any different to another energy – they are all lumped into ‘Energy’.  But our energy  systems are as complex and multifunctional as our physical human body.  It is as important to maintain as is the rest of ourselves – more so, in many ways. Our physical will one day die off – energy never dies and so it goes on…

We are bundles of different types of energy bases and individual ones come into play depending on what we are doing. You might be feeling very meditative and quiet – it could be that the energy you are running on at that particular time is a slow burning, mellow energy. And then you can feel energised – a faster, more outgoing energy. Another moment and you might have an urge to research and look into something, digging and delving – an inspired, seeking, questing type of energy. Every thought process, every action you make, every action any part of your body makes from heart beat, to in and out breath, to individual cell division to moving from one room to another – all and every process is  energy producing and energy consuming.

Humans are super lucky in that we run on an enormous variety of energies. So not only do we have our ‘pre-set’ or ‘pre-given’ energies, such as those we share with animal life (the ones that keep our bodies functioning), but we are able to use energies that are outside of ourselves to our benefit – and of course to our detriment.   We can tap into energy fields, frequency waves and vibration lines that are simply around within the earths atmosphere like no other form of life on this planet can. 

As  conscious and deciding beings, these energies are there to assist and enhance. And even when we aren’t so conscious about what we do, we can still be power-assisted by these. Better to be conscious than to simply go with the flow though – some energies are not for humans to tap into. Cruelty for one.

Energies condense into the physical. We can access some of these qualities easier depending on how condensed into the physical they are. For instance things that are very fine, gaseous, are easily manipulated, can be mixed and changed to give different chemical reactions. Qualities are condensed more solidly within liquids, then into plant life. As an example, specific plant and herb life yield medicines that are extracted from them that have condensed specific healing qualities. 

Getting even more solid, we see animals to hold particular qualities or run with a certain type of frequency as their main overriding energy-essence – CUNNING as a fox, STUBBORN as a mule, a bull in a china shop, the magnificence of a lion, the  meekness of lambs. And humans themselves often have an overriding, or a quality that seems to be more forefront in them than others – someone who is seen to have a calmness about them, someone people can rely on, someone who is always the life and soul of a party etc.

Even denser condensed energy than this are the very rocks that we stand, which also have frequency qualities. Think of crystal healing. Many believe that crystals have certain properties and energies and humans can tap into this (if open enough to the concept of everything having a frequency or energy in the first place) and are aware of some of the qualities that these crystals hold. It is said that Lapis Lazuli is good for regulating the thyroid gland, for slowing blood pressure. Malachite is good for stomach complaints and so on. Energies are sensed and picked up on from rocks and crystals. 

Another way to look at this is to break down the understanding that everything started off as an energy first and came to be something physical as a resultant. An analogy of this is to look at the huge advent of the invention of the wheel.  The wheel started off as a need which converted into an  idea. There was a need at some point in the evolution of the human to be able to move things around. Large things that humans with bare hands alone couldn’t move. From the need, an idea for something fit for purpose was born, took shape and grew in the mind – the energy and frequency was bubbling, churning, popping and bursting.  From this, probably chaotic, burning fire of energy the eventual realisation and creation of a physical wheel was produced. So, you have a need, from which an idea, from which the mind-storm, from which the experimentation, from which the final product, the wheel, is born. The wheel is forever attached to the initial need, the initial idea, the initial sparks of energy that caused it to be – simply because energy doesn’t die... and the end result holds and has the energy of need and idea deep within its very being.

As do we. We as humans, as everything else, came from a need. And where there is a need there is a function to fulfil that need. And a function suggests purpose. And what a relief that there is a purpose…else what on earth would be the point?

Thursday, 9 June 2011

A Silver Start

A Silver Start anagrams to Its Traversal. Traversal means the act of passing across, over or through. To pass along or go across something. Something that crosses, obstructs, or thwarts; obstacle. To ski across a hill or slope at a diagonal. 

Traverse: to extend across or over – a bridge traverses a river.

This first post of this Silver Zone blog is just that. A Silver Start which asks to allow a crossing into the realms of expression via the written word – together with imagery.

The intention is to express groundwork workings out based on Emin understandings. Simply come-to things stemming from the want to give flow to an internal need to open up and give growth to what could be if a dedication and devotional inner life is allowed to have a go at being at the forefront. 

This is not to say that what is written here is in any way what the Emin itself would state or  declare. The writings are purely from one whose life has been touched by the Emin and has been inspired by that convergence to try, try, try.

A Silver Start is the first step of the try into giving an outlet to so many things that have been brewing within, with a view to find the ways and means of representing something that is indefinable, in some sort of coherent manner.  

Not necessarily for another life-traveller, although that would be a benefit and a bonus, but coherency for and from self surely allows an ease to connecting the dots of internal understanding. It brings order to disorder and allows more to then follow and drop in.

So, this, a first attempt at walking the path with a steadier, sturdier work plan.